Frequently Asked Question

How do I enroll in 2FA for Google accounts?
Last Updated 3 years ago

  1. Go to: and sign in with your APS email address and Google password (if asked.)

  2. Scroll down to the "Signing into Google" section and click on "2-Step Verification".
  3. If the next page says "2-Step Verification is ON", you're all set! You can review your chosen authentication methods, update, or add an additional method here. If everything looks good, you are all done!

  4. Read the information about 2-Step verification and click "get started" at the bottom of the page. You will be asked to enter your Google password again for verification.

  5. Set up your primary 2-Step verification method. Choose one of the following options:
    1. To receive a code via text message when verification is necessary, enter your phone number in the field shown and follow the prompts.
    2. To use a USB hardware token, click "show more options" then select "Security Key". Follow the prompts to set up your security key with your Google account. When Google needs verification, you will be prompted to insert and touch the USB hardware key.
    3. If you are signed into your APS account in the Gmail app on your mobile device, you can use the "Google Prompt" option. This will display a yes/no prompt on your device when verification is needed.

  6. Once you have added your primary verification method, you may choose to add a second verification method. Scroll down the page and select Add a second method.
  7. Select "Authenticator app" to use the code generation feature of the Duo mobile app to generate time-based verification codes. Even though Google promotes their Google Authenticator app, you may use the Duo mobile app to generate the 2-Step verification codes.
    1. Click "Set up authenticator". You will be shown a QR code on the screen.

    2. In the Duo mobile app, tap the "Add +" button at the top right of the screen and select "Use QR Code".

    3. Scan the QR code displayed on the screen with your mobile device camera.

    4. The Duo app will let you name this code. Edit the name if desired and tap "Save".

    5. Duo will ask if you want to create a password to save the settings on their portal for future recovery if you replace your device. This is optional.

    6. The Duo will show you a six digit code. Click next on the Google page showing the QR code and type the six digit code from your Duo app into the prompt on the computer to verify everything is correct.
    7. Once verified, you have completed enrolling the mobile app with Google. You're done!

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